Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shall I Blog or Shall I Not?

To blog or not to blog, that is the question…
Whether tis nobler by my own to suffer
The silence and the turmoil of my world,
Or to fling my words amongst a sea of others’
And by engaging theirs forget my silence. To refrain
No more and in a blog to end all silence,
And a thousand other silences
That privacy is heir to. Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be abhorred by others.
To blog, perchance to speak the truth; ay there’s the rub,
For in our blog what truth may come,
When we have laid our breasts bear in our words
and caused some woe, and then be loathed by others

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!

    That was a fast turn around! I should 'yalla wli' you more often!

